The Single Family Office Book

The SinglThe Single Family Officee Family Office: Creating, Operating & Managing the Investments of Single Family Offices is the first book to focus on providing transparent case studies, best practices, mistakes to avoid, and models to follow if you are looking to run a single family office or have one started for your family or client. As of 2015 when this book was published, we believe it transparently quotes and interviews more single family offices than every other book in print today combined. To add another dimension of value to the text, and to make it more interactive at the same time we have included 40+ videos & audio interviews, and over 9 hours worth of recorded webinar content for you to stream or download for free. Our hope is that this text will become a central resource and guide for families around the world and for generations to come. In short we are offering a $1,000 single family office training program in the form of a $7 paperback book, and we hope you enjoy the read. Richard C. Wilson helps $100M+ net worth families create and manage their single family offices and currently manages 14 clients including mandates as the CEO of a $500M+ single family office and Head of Direct Investments for another with $200M+ in assets. Richard is also the founder of the Family Office Club, the largest membership-based family office association (, along with holdings in the training, single family office management (, investment conference, search, data research, physical bullion, private equity (, food, and energy industries. Through operating the Family Office Club Association Richard has created the first platform business focused on the family office industry. He has spoken at over 150 conferences in 17 countries and has the #1 bestselling book in the family office industry. Richard has his undergraduate degree from Oregon State University, his M.B.A. from University of Portland, and has studied master’s level psychology through Harvard’s ALM program while previously residing in Boston.

The book is currently available in paperback and PDF version. The paperback version can be bought through an or an online bookstore called Create Space please click here or order through directly by clicking here. The PDF version is Free with the cost of the course.